Spectrum Next: Crowley – World Tour OST
- This is a game for Spectrum Next, you can grab the game for free from Rusty Pixels!
- You can play the game on a emulator. See the instructions on the homepage.
- This game uses various countries national songs in a upbeat style, sometimes might changed a little bit.
- 09-2021: Im is just have been aware of im have used Taiwan national song and not Thailand.
- The game is soon to been updated with the new Bangkok song. Its just required to been released as its is now fixedt.
- 05-2022: Alexey Pajitnov is against the Ukraine war as im do. This game was just meant a geatures to the people and in fact the orignal game is a Russian game. The hence Crowley visit Russia in the first level.
- IMPORTANT: NONE of the songs was meant to been offensive on any countries at all! They was just done for fun.